Italy - LBA Serie A

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Calathes Pat 38 2m08 Greece, United States
Callahan Craig 43 2m03 United States
Calo Ruben 26 1m95 Italy
Campani Luca 34 2m08
Canavesi Matteo 38 2m02 Italy
Cardillo Marco 39 1m96 Italy
Carlino Matt 32 1m90 United States
Carter Josh 37 2m01 United States
Carter Robert 30 2m06 United States
Cassese Alessandro 27 1m90 Italy
Cavaliero Daniele 40 1m83 Italy
Cefarelli Dario 31 1m93 Italy
Cerella Bruno 38 1m94 Argentina, Italy
Ceron Marco 32 1m95 Italy
Cervi Riccardo 33 2m14 Italy
Cinciarini Andrea 38 1m93 Italy
Cinciarini Daniele 41 1m94 Italy
Cittadini Alessandro 45 2m07 Italy
Clarke Rotnei 35 1m83 United States
Conti Luca 23 1m97 Italy
Cournooh David 34 1m89 Italy
Craft Aaron 33 1m90 United States
Crespi Riccardo 27 2m05 Italy
Criconia Martino 26 1m96 Italy
Crosariol Andrea 39 2m13 Italy
Cuccarolo Gino 36 2m19 Italy
Cusin Marco 39 2m10 Italy
Czyz Olek 34 2m01 Poland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ebeling Michele 25 2m05 Italy
Ejim Melvin 33 2m01 United States
English A.J. 32 1m92 United States
Esposito Lorenzo 26 1m95 Italy
Esposito Michele 25 - Italy
Eyenga Christian 35 1m98 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Hagins Jamelle 33 2m06 United States
Harris Paul 37 1m93 United States
Harrow Ryan 33 1m88 United States
Harvey Tyler 31 1m93 United States
Hawkins Corey 33 1m91 United States
Haynes Marquez 37 1m88 United States, Georgia
Hazell Jeremy 38 1m95 United States
Hickman Ricky 39 1m90 United States
Hogue Dustin 32 1m98 United States
Hollins Ryan 39 2m13 United States
Holloway Terrell 35 1m85 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Needham Derek 33 1m80 United States
Nicevic Sandro 48 2m10 Croatia
Nnoko Landry 30 2m08 Cameroon
Nyonse Berthol 26 1m92 Cameroon, Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ojomoh Obasohan 31 1m83 Belgium
Okeke David 25 2m04 Italy
Okereafor Teddy 31 1m90 United-Kingdom
Olaseni Gabriel 32 2m11 United-Kingdom
Ortner Benjamin 41 2m06 Austria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Quaglia Francesco 35 2m07 Italy
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Washington Deron 38 2m03 United States
Waters Dominic 37 1m85 United States
Watt Mitchell 34 2m08 United States
White D.J. 38 2m05 United States
Williams Jawad 41 2m06 United States
Wilson Jamil 33 2m01 United States
Wojciechowski Jakub 34 2m13 Poland, Italy
Wright Julian 37 2m03 United States
Wright Chris 34 1m85 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
York Gabe 31 1m90
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zanatta Antonio 24 1m92 Italy
Zanetti Francesco 26 1m92 Italy
Zavackas Donatas 44 2m04 Lithuania
Zerini Andrea 35 2m05 Italy