Switzerland - NLB

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Engondo Mathieu 30 1m83 Switzerland
Erard Julien 28 1m92 Switzerland
Eyob Yohannes 22 1m79 Eritrea
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Faye Babou 30 1m96 Switzerland
Fenner Noah 21 1m88 Switzerland
Ferreira Monteiro Gabriel 28 1m96 Portugal
Fiechter Benjamin 26 1m84 Switzerland
Frossard Tristan 20 2m00 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Hammel Marc 21 1m91 Switzerland
Hart Alexander 28 2m10 Switzerland
Hatch Jason 29 1m87 Switzerland
Herron Davidek 44 1m96 United States
Heuberger Isai 17 1m89 Switzerland
Hofmann Dylan 22 1m88 Switzerland
Hoxha Arben 30 1m81 Switzerland
Huber Tom 24 1m85 Switzerland
Hulliger Nicolas 23 1m90 Switzerland
Hungerbuehler Silvan 31 1m94 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jaggi Yannick 22 1m89 Switzerland
Jiang Benjamin 2m05 Switzerland
Joehl Kumbert 24 1m85 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Lacroix Augustin 21 1m87 Switzerland
Leemann Elia - Switzerland
Leite Mikael 23 1m93 Switzerland, Portugal
Leresche Quentin 22 1m86 Switzerland
Leyrolles Aloïs 20 2m01 Switzerland
Lukaku Christelie 18 1m75 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Offard Giovanni 28 1m85 United States
Oppliger Leroy 25 1m91 Switzerland
Ouedraogo Cheick 25 1m92 Switzerland
Ouko Austin 17 1m89 Switzerland
Ozsoy Ataberk 26 1m78 Turkey
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Pacheco Seabra Claudio 26 1m81 Portugal
Palatsidis Chris 27 1m99 Switzerland
Pelizza Dario 21 1m92 Switzerland
Pembele Charly 28 1m81 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Switzerland
Perrottet Luke 28 1m85 Switzerland
Peters Til 20 1m98 Switzerland
Petrov Filip 20 1m80 Bulgaria
Picarelli Riccardo 18 1m93 Switzerland
Pickel Ueli 30 1m91 Switzerland
Pretre Vincent 32 1m94 Switzerland
Pythoud Lucas 30 1m72 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Vasic Bojan 21 1m80 Switzerland
Vitkovic Mladen 34 2m05 Serbia-Montenegro
Vonimboahangy Loick 24 1m92 Switzerland
Vuckovic David 20 1m97 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Wachsmuth Nils 28 1m94 Switzerland
Wachter Mila - Switzerland
Walther Lionel 30 2m03 Switzerland
Walther Gaspard 22 1m94 Switzerland
Wälti Julien 25 1m95 Switzerland
Wanga Baptiste - Switzerland
Winston Derek 37 1m85 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Yao Alexis 19 1m90 Switzerland
Yema Jael 23 1m92 Switzerland
Yousfi Noa 22 1m73 Switzerland
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zambonetti Alexandre 19 1m90 France
Zili Florian 20 1m82 Switzerland
Zintz Justin 30 1m98 Belgium
Zivaljevic Marko 20 1m86 Serbia