France - NM1 Playoffs

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Adala Arnaud 31 1m98 Cameroon
Akobi Djibril 23 2m00 France
Albert Bastien 30 2m02 France
Alexis Thibault 28 1m94 France
Alliman Ricardo 37 2m01 Jamaica
Austin Waverly 34 2m11 Germany
Awich Joel 31 2m01 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
El Amrani Rida 37 1m85 France
Elliott Travis 32 2m03 United States
Empilo Olivier 21 1m84 France
Evelyn Bakari 27 1m87 United States
Eyoum Jacques 24 1m96 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Fandelet Vincent 32 2m00 France
Fardin Antoine 21 1m87 France
Ferreira Fabio 21 - France
Ferreira-Alves Dylan 25 1m88 France
Flosse Matthias 25 2m10 France
Fofana Namory 1m90 France
Fortas Florian 24 1m91 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Galbrun Louis 21 1m96 France
Gana Dylan 32 2m00 France
Gassama Cheikh 28 1m93 France
Gelant Theo 23 - France
Gendrey Dylan 30 2m02 France
Gentil Dominique 36 1m97 France
Gountas Malcolm 30 1m90 France
Grebongo Johan 30 2m06 Central Africa
Green Steven 31 1m96 United States
Gregoire Romain 33 2m01 France
Gudul Omari 30 2m08 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Guerrier Gerald 30 1m89 France
Guillou Mathis 27 1m97 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Hanck Quentin 31 1m92 France
Heslouin Paul 24 1m85 France
Hudson Johnathan 37 1m80 United States
Hyenne Tom 24 1m94 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Igbanu Martins 27 2m02 Nigeria
Ilvovskiy Maxim 22 2m03 France
Incredule Kilian 28 1m75 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jean Derric 27 1m88 United States
Jean-Francois Christnel 33 2m00 France
Jeanne Jonathan 27 2m18 France
Jolivet Theo 21 - France
Joss Rauze Kevin 36 1m90 France
Jubenot Calvin 37 1m98 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kabongo Olivier 22 1m98 France
Kayembe Ruphin 31 2m00 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Belgium
Khallouf Djamal 33 - France
Kherzane Elias 25 1m80 France
Kokila Kevin 22 2m04 France
Kone Mohamed 43 2m10 Ivory Coast
Kuyo Francois 29 1m93 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
N'Dir Sidy 29 1m83 France
Nardini Alexandre 26 2m07 France
Ndiaye Seydou 23 1m96 France
Ndjock Elwin 22 2m00 France
Ndoye Momar 29 2m01 France
Ngabonziza Aleyde 26 1m92 France
Ngufor Julian 22 1m95 France
Nguirane Maodo 30 2m10 Senegal
Niangane L'hassane 30 2m06 Democratic Republic of the Congo, France
Nikolic Luka 29 2m09 Serbia
Njiba Parfait 34 1m99 France
Njoya Nsangou Ousmanou 23 1m98 Cameroon, France
Nnah-Ndong Maydden 24 1m93 United-Kingdom
Noel Gide 31 1m98 France
Nseke Ebele Damien 23 1m99 France
Nsungu Peter 24 1m89 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Obiejesi Olivier 23 1m96 France
Odiakosa Dinma 38 2m03 Nigeria
Ona Embo Carl 34 1m88 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Quincy-Jones Desmond 39 2m01 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Racine Warren 29 1m88 France
Radulovic Aleksandar 39 2m07 Serbia
Rawson Kyran 24 2m10 France
Rawson Kyle 25 2m00 United States
Regis Kenny 28 2m04 France
Relphorde Marcus 35 1m98 United States
Rey Theo 24 1m91 France
Ricard Jeremy 30 2m00 France
Ricard Steven 33 2m00 France
Rigaux Aurelien 36 1m78 France
Robert Christopher 23 2m02 France
Robin Matthieu 32 1m89 France
Romain Olivier 36 1m80 France
Roumegoux Luca - France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ucles Federico 31 2m04 Spain
Ugba Averyl 29 2m04 United States
Uwadiae-Odigie Efe 34 2m03 United States, Nigeria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Var Mickael 34 2m06 France
Verbeke Joffrey 37 1m95 France
Vergez-Pascal Martin 21 - France
Vial Theo 31 1m98 France
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Weber Louis 26 1m86 France
Wiscart Goetz Tom 25 1m88 France
Wright Keith 34 2m02 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zero Junior 27 1m95 France