Belgium - EuroMillions Basketball League

Player list

Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Anderson Demario 39 1m87 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Chada Anthony 35 1m94 Belgium
Collette Xavier 39 1m84 Belgium
Colson Gael 35 1m90 Belgium
Creppy Thomas 34 1m90 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Enobakhare Leigh 38 2m07 Nigeria
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Fassaert Thierry 33 1m97 Belgium
Fells Darren 38 2m00 United States
Foucart Thomas 40 1m95 Belgium
Freeman Brandon 41 1m88 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Gardner Thomas 39 1m96 United States
Gay Brandon 42 2m04 United States
Geukens Senne 41 1m92 Belgium
Gill Edward 46 1m83 United States
Gillet Pierre-Antoine 33 2m01 Belgium
Gonzales Pablo 46 1m91 United States
Green Caleb 39 2m03 United States
Green Michael 39 1m84 United States
Greene Brian 43 2m04 United States
Guillemyn Brecht 37 1m92 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Iarochevitch Ioannis 35 2m07 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Jacobson Nick 43 1m92 United States
Johnson Jerry 42 1m83 United States
Jorssen Dimitri 45 2m12 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Kingsley Matthew 38 2m05 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Lalic Jure 38 2m09 Croatia
Lasisi Elias 32 1m92 Belgium
Lemaire Brieuc 32 1m93 Belgium
Lichodzijewski Aleksander 39 2m04 Poland, Belgium
Linskens Mikhail 37 2m12 Belgium
Lojeski Matt 39 1m98 United States
Loubry Domien 39 1m86 Belgium
Luyten Ruben 33 1m95 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Ongenaet Kristof 39 2m03 Belgium
Oveneke Randy 38 2m00 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Papac Ivan 37 2m07 Croatia
Paunic Ivan 37 1m95 Serbia-Montenegro
Pelle Stephane 44 2m05 Cameroon
Petrovic Veselin 47 1m93 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pringle Stanley 37 1m84 United States
Pupovic Miljan 41 2m09 Serbia-Montenegro
Putteman Jarek 2m07 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Rademakers Maarten 33 2m05 Netherlands
Randle Monwell 42 2m04 United States
Raymond Benjamin 37 1m98 United States
Riddick Andre 51 2m06 United States
Ruoff Alex 38 1m98 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Tabu Jonathan 38 1m83 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Belgium
Thomas Will 38 2m00 United States, Georgia
Tofi John 40 2m03 United States
Tollet Kevin - Belgium
Troisfontaines Olivier 34 1m95 Belgium
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Van Den Berghe Rik 30 2m08 Belgium
Van Der Jonckheyd Jef 41 2m02 Belgium
Van Langenhove Hans 44 2m01 Belgium
Verheyden Thomas 34 1m90 Belgium
Vermoesen Joren 31 1m97 Belgium
Vuchelen Wim 43 1m94 Belgium
Vukosavljevic Vladan 39 2m05 Serbia-Montenegro
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Wilkinson Wesley 40 2m08 United States
Wilson Darnell 39 1m98 United States
Wilson Jamar 40 1m85 United States, Finland
Wright Brent 46 2m03 United States
Wright Bracey 40 1m91 United States
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Young Christopher 45 2m06 United States, Lithuania
Basketball Player Basketball team Age Height Home country
Zecevic Aleksandar 49 2m01 Serbia-Montenegro